
Professional website and Internet store development. Web Site Design s.r.o.

Web Site Design s.r.o.

IČO: 357 498 90
DIČ: 202 023 0509
IČ-DPH: SK2020230509

Company address
Na Revíne 29/C
831 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Billing address
Sibírska 23
831 02 Bratislava

Tatra banka, a.s.
262 679 8148 / 1100
Slovenská sporiteľna, a.s.
063 393 1366 / 0900

Contact info
Tel.: 02 / 5465 0421
Fax: 02 / 5465 0423
Mail: infoXxXwsd-europeYyYcom

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Slovak product (858)